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Becoming a Trauma-Informed Parent: Suzy DeYoung

Suzy is a parenting coach as well as a community outreach specialist. After a traumatic experience with her own son years ago, she recognized a need for better understanding how to prepare for the residual effects of the stored trauma and to inform others about it. 

Following the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, she became active in Newtown’s recovery efforts working as Community Outreach Director for a local non-profit and co-founding the annual, Newtown Yoga Festival.  In 2014, she joined The Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Team as a care coordinator. The team, funded by the US Department of Justice, was established to assist community members in accessing therapeutic and financial resources in the post-traumatic aftermath of the Sandy Hook School shootings.

Presently, she works with The Avielle Foundation as co-host and producer of, The Brainstorm Experience Speaker Series. .The Avielle Foundation, established in honor of seven-year-old Avielle Rose Richman who lost her life in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, works to prevent violence and to build compassion through neuroscience research, community engagement and education.  

In this episode, you'll hear: 

  • Her backstory on the introduction to childhood trauma

  • How she became involved with the Sandy Hook Tragedy and, years later, what is still happening today to address the trauma of that experience

  • Her work with the Avielle Foundation and how she become involved there

  • Dr. Jeremy Richman, the founder of the Avielle Foundation, and what the organization is doing today after his recent death by suicide

  • What is the purpose and mission of her advocacy and coaching work

How To Connect: 




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